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Remembering Rick Finkelstein – Tribute to a Hero

October 1, 2013

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Rick Finkelstein has passed away. Our hearts go out to his friends and family at this sad time. Rick was the hero of the film ‘The Movement’ and in that role he inspired many people to get out of their comfort zones and put life in motion. Rick was not one to let physical disability, or any sort of setback, hold him back. We’re certain that ‘The Movement’ was only one of many arenas where Rick showed this sort of inspiring determination. Thank you, Rick.”

                  – Kurt Miller, Director/Producer/Founder ‘The Movement’ – Make A Hero

On October 1st, 2013, Rick Finkelstein, long-time Universal Pictures Executive and hero of Make A Hero’s first adaptive sports films ‘The Movement’, passed away after a difficult battle against cancer. Mr. Finkelstein was 64 years of age.

An active skier, Rick was paralyzed from the waist down on a ski trip in Aspen, CO in 2004. He spent the next 6 years through nine surgeries trying to stay alive, maintain his life, and his career.

“In the beginning, they were very surprised that I had survived the crash”, said Rick. “For the longest time I had no desire to put on skis and get back on the mountain, then … I just started missing it so much”.

Courageously, Rick choose to face his fears, adapt to his new way of being, and re-kindle his love of skiing. This time Rick would utilize a mono-ski to glide across the slopes.

Moreover, he allowed for his journey into adaptive sports to be documented on film, in order to serve as inspiration to others who were either born with paralysis, or had become paralyzed as a result of a traumatic event later in life.

Mr. Finkelstein became the inspiration for and subject of “The Movement: One Man Joins an Uprising” seen in the trailer, below. His perspective, perseverance, and legacy, make him a true hero.

Rick Finkelstein will be deeply missed.

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Rick Finkelstein has passed away. Our hearts go out to his friends and family at this sad time. Rick was the hero of the film ‘The Movement’ and in that role he inspired many people to get out of their comfort zones and put life in motion. Rick was not one to let physical disability, or any sort of setback, hold him back. We’re certain that ‘The Movement’ was only one of many arenas where Rick showed this sort of inspiring determination. Thank you, Rick.” 

              – Kurt Miller, Director/Producer of ‘The Movement’, Founder of Make A Hero

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